Policies during COVID-19
As we continue to provide you with emotional, psychological, and medical care, we want you to know that your physical health is also of the upmost importance to us. In the wake of the latest recommendations for dealing with the novel Coronavirus, we are implementing the following policies:
The main building as well as the office in Checotah are temporarily closed to outside persons. Instead, our courteous staff will meet you at your vehicle with an iPad (tablet) and take your information using the secured MyCare software. Only staff members are allowed in the building in addition to those picking up medication under the MAT program.
Our Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) continues to be a resource for you and remains open and taking clients as is our CAN unit, an even more temporary space during times of crisis. Contact us at 918-682-8407, to learn more.
Most of our clinicians are now using the doxy.me tele-health system (similar to Skype, FaceTime, but more secure and HIPAA compliant) for clients to stay engaged in services. If you are an existing client, you should have already been given your clinicians specific login information. If not, give us a call and we’ll walk you throught the simple process of logging in using a smart phone or home computer.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with these policies. If you have any questions or concerns, you are urged to contact us by phone at 918-682-8407 or by emailing us at [email protected]. We are all in this together and we thank you for entrusting us to your care.
The Staff of Green Country Behavioral Health Services
Caring People, Caring for Others