Coordinated Care
Integrated care means that GCBHS serves individuals holistically. Our clients are educated on the importance of taking care of themselves mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We have developed partnerships with medical providers for regular checkups and physical wellness, a dentist to help with dental needs, and eye doctors to help with vision needs. In addition, Individual Placement Support (IPS) can help with education and workforce employment.
What is Coordinated Care?
Mental or Behavioral Health Care
Children’s Services
Adult Services
Adult Specialty Services
Case Management Services
Family-Centered Services
Restoration Trauma Services
Children’s Services
Children can struggle with trauma, depression and disruption that can result in behavioral problems and overwhelming stress. We offer individual, group and family counseling to children, adolescents and families. We understand how important socialization is to young people and we work closely with area schools and are proud to have a presence in each of the school districts in the area. Our Behavioral Health Aides (BHAs) work in dedicated schools assisting teaching staff with kids who may need individualize attention and support.

Adult Services
We provide individual and group therapy services on an outpatient basis to treat emotional and psychiatric needs. We are also well-equipped to handle crisis intervention and behavioral health rehabilitation services for those in need.
Adult Specialty Services
There are several specialty services in place for those we serve at Green Country including the Housing First Program and Individual Placement Support (IPS) programs. IPS is a model of supported employment that helps people with serious mental illness work at jobs of their choosing. Benefits include improved self-esteem, quality of life and increased income. We help our clients create resumes, complete applications, and sharpen interviewing skills. We believe that anyone can recover and that when housing and employment needs are met, the individual is able to focus on other health needs.
The Outreach Team focuses on the community, primarily keeping individuals “most in need” engaged in services. We are proud to collaborate with numerous community partners through our Outreach Team.
Our Specialty Court Treatment Team serves the Mental Health courts in Muskogee and McIntosh counties as well as the Drug Court and Misdemeanor Diversion Program. We also have an Offender Screening Program for persons with felony arrests to identify those who may benefit from various diversion programs.
We recently began providing Jail & Community Based Competency Restoration. This program aids in the time it takes to move individuals, deemed incompetent, through the legal system. It aims to reduce jail populations as we hope to reduce the length of time a person is incarcerated awaiting restoration. Finally, we want to help the person with mental illness engage and stay active in treatment.

Case Management Services
Helping clients attain fundamental basic needs such as housing, employment, transportation, glasses, among other things is the crust of Case Management services. Case Managers provide rehabilitation skills and support. We have found that when we assist with different resources and start meeting basic needs, we see their anxiety and depression decrease as they see their hope and purpose increase. Sometimes our clients just need to be heard and we are there to provide that support and listening ear.
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Peer Recovery Support Services
These services are provided by persons with lived experience who aid in support and coaching persons through recovery. Every facet of our service delivery model utilizes peer support.

Family-Centered Services
Oklahoma Families First
This program is uniquely designed to serve the needs of families struggling with addiction issues in the home. The program serves families with children up to 36 months old. We offer necessary support to keep children at home or lessen the time removed from a parent’s care, while the family receives intensive substance abuse and family services.
Systems of Care
Systems of Care is a strengths-based program that serves families whose children have emotional or behavioral difficulties. The Core Values of Systems of Care are Community Based, Trauma Informed, Culturally Responsive, Youth Guided and Family Driven. Systems of Care serves families and transition age youth 0-24 years of age, serving families with wraparound services through care coordination and family support. Behavioral Health Aides who have a presence in our local school districts are part of the SOC program, as well.
Circle of Security Parenting Program
helps nurture your child’s attachment, emotional resilience, and freedom to explore. Similarly, Celebrating Families is a family-inclusive, skills building, trauma-informed program for any family with a parent who has a substance addiction. Within the program, prevention and intervention are combined to support the healing of families early in recovery and help develop skills necessary to prevent future addiction problems.
Restoration Trauma Services
Restoration Trauma Team (RTT) is a specialty group of Green Country Behavioral Health that focuses on addressing the challenges of trauma exposure in our community with its most at-risk populations. Clinicians in this team focus on providing therapeutic services to individuals with acute stress reactions and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Referral sources for this program include: Kids Space Child Advocacy Center, Muskogee Police Department, Muskogee Fire Department, Muskogee County EMS, Victims and Witness Services through Muskogee Country District Attorney’s Office, and Women in Safe Homes (WISH). Individuals seeking services through the RTT will be provided with culturally competent therapists who are trained in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) to provide individual and family therapy services through a trauma informed lens.
RTT also provides community education and training over trauma informed responses to community members. RTT provides these trainings to local first responder departments, customer service training for local businesses, medical care facilities, and civic organizations in the hopes of making a more trauma informed community.