A Note from Joy

The following was taken from a recent “all Staff” email from Green Country CEO, Joy Sloan, citing recent accomplishments and expressing gratitude for all the hard work and dedication to Green Country’s mission to be Caring People…Caring for Others.

The people we serve are giving us a great deal of power – not real power – but power to help them with their lives.  The children and families we serve through Head Start and Early Head Start are set on a path that will impact them for the rest of their lives.  Stop and think about that for a moment.  It’s incredible.  The people we see through Green Country are trusting us to support, honor, advise, guide, teach, process – YOU pick a word.  Think about what we are asked to do, daily.  People depend on us to help them, really help them.  It’s not like they are going to the water department to put a deposit down for water.  They are asking us to help them with their thoughts, their souls, their beliefs, maybe their hearts – they are asking us for assistance.  What an honor that is!!!!I’m not just talking about direct care either – because, if we don’t believe it takes a team, then we’re wrong.  Regardless of your role here, YOU MATTER!!!!  I’ve had some time to reflect about this past year and although it was a difficult year for me personally, I feel tremendously blessed to be a part of this team. Heck you guys, we have done some awesome things this year.  Here are just some of the things we either started or continued in 2019:

  • Started our Zero Suicide Initiative
  • Mental Health Court — McIntosh and Muskogee County
  • Misdemeanor Diversion Program in McIntosh County
  • Integrated Care program for indigent persons – OPIP Program
  • Volunteered about 300 hours in the community through the APT Tour
  • Graduated 4 staff through Leadership Muskogee
  • Distributed over 100 NARCAN kits throughout the community
  • Started a diabetes management program through medication clinic
  • Started our iPad program and distributed iPads to law enforcement & SUD clients
  • Participated in Active Shooter training with the Muskogee Police Department
  • Had the OSU team for Excellence in Health audit our Health Home teams for research
  • Passed a ODMHSAS review with Distinction for the Crisis Unit
  • Was awarded our Head Start grant for 5 more years
  • Started TWO FEMA grants to assist persons affected by the May floods

I’m excited for 2020.  I’m excited that we still get to serve our communities and that we have staff here that care about what we do and how YOU represent the organization.

2020 is underway and begins with continued progress in all of our programs and especially to our facilities, as additional parking lots have been added on the north end of our building. Thank you for allowing us to serve the people of Muskogee and surrounding areas. Happy New Year!

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