Children’s Services Reopens
We are pleased to announce that new and existing clients in Children’s Services are now being welcomed back to the building since the pandemic began a few months ago. The process is beginning slowly and necessary precautions are being taken including social distancing and lots of handwashing/sanitizing. For the past several weeks, the agency made a successful push toward telehealth, seeing clients through a secured video chat or telephone format. The difficulty has been in engaging fully with younger children and their need to experience therapy through play and personal interaction. In a recent memo to staff, Clinical Director, Melissa Shofner said the new changes are beneficial to both staff and clients. “For younger clients, telehealth services were less effective, so, for the ones who choose to come in the building, it is being allowed.” There is plenty of disinfecting going on in an effort to continue keeping staff and clients safe.” For Children’s Services staff, most therapies require use of hands-on play and activities that many children may not have access to at home.
Additional changes inside the agency include moving a majority of Med Clinic operations to a different part of the building in order for the Muskogee Health Center, who shares building space with GCBHS, to have more room to see patients and provide testing for COVID-19. In both areas, clients are given masks to wear and a lot of disinfecting is occurring.
The agency continues to provide telehealth services for all aged clients choosing or needing to continue receiving services in this manner.