Woods Named Student of the Year

Green Country Case Manager, Tessa Woods, was recently named OU’s School of Social Work Practicum Student of the Year.  We are so proud of her accomplishments and are so honored to have her on our staff.

The following appeared on the University’s SSW Facebook page:

Congratulations to Tessa Woods – Tulsa Recipient of the Nadine Roach Practicum Student of the Year Award!
“This year I participated in a work placement practicum. I am a case manager at Green Country Behavioral Health Services in Muskogee, Ok. During my practicum, I focused on disaster case management under a grant my agency received through FEMA. As a DCM, I have focused on assisting those affected by the May 2019 spring storms and flooding event in their recovery. It has been one of the most challenging but rewarding jobs I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of. The most rewarding part of this experience is the look on a client’s face when we tell them a donor has agreed to assist with funding their unmet needs, bringing them one step closer to recovery. My goals moving forward are to obtain my LCSW and focus on trauma informed care. My hope is to continue working with vulnerable populations.”

Learn more about OU’s SSW here:
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