Community Outreach – 918-840-0323
You can now reach our Community Outreach program using this phone number: 918.840.0323.
If you are a senior citizen, health compromised and need groceries, meds picked up, post office needs, etc., please call 918.840.0323. These workers are all Green Country employees and will be wearing a badge and WILL NOT or CANNOT accept tips of any kind to assist you. We will do this as long as there is need and we have resources to do so.
From the Muskogee Phoenix Newspaper: 3/21/2020
Green Country Behavioral Health’s homeless outreach program has expanded to include elderly or immunocompromised people, say an organizer.
GCBH’s Community Outreach Team has extended an offer to such people to help with errands such as grocery shopping or medicine pickup, said team member Lauren Conant.
“We have an outreach department already, but we normally assist our homeless population in Muskogee. However, (Green Country Behavioral Health Leadership Team member) Joy Sloan kind of came up with this because there are compromised people that can’t get out right now,” Conant said. “What made her think about it is what if her mother didn’t have her to help, what would happen?”
Mary Franklin, 68, was relieved to hear that someone would be available to help her with getting groceries. As someone with leukemia, Franklin said, she was frightened of leaving her home.
“It’s just me and my husband out here by ourselves,” Franklin said. “I’m not sure what we’re going to do.”
That’s exactly the sort of person GCBH’s team wants to assist, Conant said.
“We just want to be a help to the community right now because there’s a lot of people who are health compromised who are not able to get out right now,” Conant said. “That’s what the reasoning for putting it together is.”
The group can either pick up paid-for groceries, or take money and bring back the groceries and change, Conant said.
“We prefer that everything be paid for before we go do it — but in the instance we needed to take their money and bring back change, we would,” Conant said.
In the event that someone can’t afford their groceries, Conant said the team would attempt to locate what someone needs through food banks.
“We were able to get someone the items that she needed through a food bank,” Conant said. “She was not able to purchase the items she needed, so we were able to get those through donations or a food bank.”
Those who need GCBH’s health can reach the outreach team at (918) 840-0323.
original article by Chelsey Oxendine appeared March 21, 2020