Fitness Playground Opens

Green Country’s Adult Fitness Playground opened this month, thanks to an employee who was creative in considering how to help our clients make healthy choices – and to the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health for health and wellness funds. Muskogee County residents suffer from heart disease, obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes – each at levels higher than the national rate. And we know that physical exercise improves these health problems, as well as brain health. Alexus Bowlin works in Medication Clinic with our clients in the O-PIP program, where they receive integrated healthcare. She came up with the idea for an exercise area for our clients and staff. Today, there are four equipment stations – three with exercise equipment for two people to use simultaneously, and a triple balance beam. Each station displays instructions for using the equipment, which features a Lateral Pull-Down, a Rider Station, and a Skier Station, with a walking track surrounding the playground. We’ve purchased three more exercise stations – a Double Station Rower, a Torso Twist, and a Triple Station Leg Press. When this equipment is received and installed, the playground will have exercise stations for 15 people to work at once, a triple balance beam, and a walking track. The adult fitness playground, utilized by clients and staff, will be a great addition to Green Country’s health and wellness program.

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