Topping Off New Med Building

On Wednesday July 28th, members of the Muskogee Chamber, GCBHS Board, and the construction project team joined Green Country staff to celebrate our new medical building, scheduled for completion in early summer 2022. CEO, Joy Sloan, thanked staff for dealing with construction chaos, along with all other changes, and noted the tireless persistence of our Director of Nursing, Leigh Combs, in promoting the idea. She also thanked Armstrong Bank for supporting this vital community expansion of integrated health services.

On the new clinic’s ground floor, Muskogee Health Center will increase their primary healthcare services in Muskogee. Green Country’s Medication Clinic and Hunter Pharmacy will be located on the second floor, along with a large conference room that will accommodate GCBHS staff for meetings and training sessions. This move will make room for additional offices at the GCBHS main office, where space has been desperately needed due to Green Country’s expansion as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic in November 2020.

An awning over the new clinic’s main entrance will be supported by a long steel beam.  Although it will be one of many, this particular beam is special in that it displays signatures of GCBHS staff and guests who attended today’s ceremony.

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