Identifying Community Needs

After several months of looking at various needs in our community, we are pleased to publish our recent findings in the document linked below.  The assessment allows GCBHS to operate as what is called a CCBHC, (Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic) allows for providing (or contracting with partner organizations to provide) nine specific types of services, with an emphasis on 24-hour crisis care, utilization of evidence-based practices, care coordination and integration with physical health care. This has been a labor of love (most of the time) by our Administrative Team and it reinforces what we have known for many years…our community needs the mental health services we provide and we continue to meet those needs by being “caring people, caring for others.”

Here are some key highlights from the report:

  • Our experienced, caring staff tops the list of GCBHS Strengths and has been identified as such in strategic planning sessions over many years. GCBHS Client Satisfaction Surveys, collected quarterly across the agency, continually show very high marks for clients being treated with respect and dignity in all programs.
  • GCBHS has a new Medical Director who is on site each week and is thoroughly involved with the CCBHC transition, as a member of our CCBHC Implementation Team.
  • The collaboration between GCBHS and AVV Health has proven to be life changing for shared clients, as seen the earliest stages of our integrated health care program and currently in O-PIP outcomes. This partnership has stood the test of time and has been flexible enough to adjust with the changing needs of our clients and our community.  Since 2012, we have not encountered a problem that was not solved quickly with a phone call or with both parties around a conference table.
  • As Grantee for the Muskogee County Head Start/Early Head Start Programs, GCBHS has been able to add early childhood education and development services vital to community families with young children. GCBHS and MCHS staff teamwork in serving these families has been enhanced with the GCBHS children’s clinician embedded in the Head Start/Early Head Start sites.
  • Having served Muskogee and McIntosh Counties for over 40 years, GCBHS has long-standing, mutually successful partnerships with community agencies, including law enforcement and court services. The Muskogee Police Chief currently serves as President of the GCBHS Board of Directors.
  • Well-trained, experienced GCBHS employees provide a wide array of services in outpatient behavioral health, addiction programs, and crisis response, as well as Crisis Stabilization Unit services and supports.

This Community Needs Assessment will be imperative in meeting our mission to improve mental and physical health statistics and quality of life for Muskogee and McIntosh County residents.

Click the following link to view the entire report:
GCBHS CCBHC Needs Assessment 2020 Final

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