Staff Appreciation Day
Each year, we gather together to celebrate the past year’s accomplishments and recognize certain milestones and achieved goals. This year, since we were unable to be altogether in one room, we took our celebration online and recognized the following individuals for their hard work and achievements virtually throughout the day. Many thanks goes to Cheryl Nelson and her team, Jennifer Tapia and Cheryl Ridley, also known as the M&M committee (Motivation & Morale) for their planning, executing and ensuring our staff felt needed and appreciated…the prize drawings were such a nice added bonus, too!
Here is a list of this year’s winners along with their accomplishments:
CEO Award: Sylvanus Boulware
Medical Services Award: Ernesto Martinez
Support Staff Award: Julie Reese
Supervisor of the Year Award: Leigh Combs
Adult Clinician of the Year Award: Geraldine Lee
Rookie of the Year Award: Kim Morgan
Another factor and indicator in what makes our agency such a great place to work and serve is observing the length of time our employees remain on our team. We consider each person a member of the GC family and congratulate the following persons for their accomplished tenure:
Five Years:
- Robert Durham
- Shelley Gower
- Katy Marshall
- Logan Stinson
- Susie Mathews
- Britni Washington
- Julie Richter
- Julie Reese
- Rocky Daniels
- Samantha Gaspar
Ten Years:
- Mary Hicks
- Cheri Moberly
- Tara Stills
- Kelli McGee
- Tom Boley
- Kelli Anderson
Fifteen Years:
- Leigh Combs
- Laura Kuykendall
Twenty-five Years: Mark Johnson
Thirty Years: David McGee
You can view more photos of this event on our Facebook page by searching: Green Country Behavioral Health